2-February-2019 – CrossFit

CrossFit Trafford – CrossFit

0-5: Briefing / Scaling (No Measure)

You will work either MU or PU, depending on your current ability.

5-10: Warm-up (No Measure)

Shoulder Mobility w/ PVC

15 Band Lat Pull-downs

10 Scap Pulls

10 Ring Pull-ups

10-25: Pull-ups (5xMR w/ 2 Min Rest)

Beg: Negatives (w/ band if needed)

Int: Dead hang

Adv: Weighted dead hang

Max reps for 5 sets, rest for 2 mins after each set

Score your best set

10-25: Muscle-ups

25-30: WOD / Skill Prep (No Measure)

Movement overview – build up to WOD weight

30-50: Metcon (Weight)

Every 2 mins 10 Front Squats, 6 Matador Dips.

Score is the total weight lifted – 10x10xkg